Summer 2025 - A&S IT Computer Classrooms and Labs Changes

Summer 2025 - A&S IT Computer Classrooms and Labs Changes

A&S IT Computer Labs and Classrooms are changing in Summer 2025.



Upcoming Summer 2025 Changes to Computer Classroom Offerings

Beginning Summer 2025, there will be several significant changes reducing the number of computer classroom offerings from A&S IT as part of strategic planning and modernization efforts.
Classrooms and Labs Not Changing:
  • Seigle Hall L016 - Mac Classroom
  • Seigle Hall L012 General use computer lab (Mac, Windows, Printing Release Station). 
  • Rudolph Hall 308 - Windows Classroom focused on GIS
Changes in Eads Hall: Eads 013 becomes only Windows-based Reservable Classroom in Eads
  • Eads Hall 013 and 003 will undergo modifications, with only one remaining in service as a Windows computer classroom. Unfortunately, this means the discontinuation of the Mac computer classroom in Eads Hall. If you need a Mac Classroom, Seigle L016 remains available. 
  • Reservations will be on hold over the early Summer to complete the transition work. 
Permanent Closures:
  • Eads Hall 014 will be closing.
  • Eads Hall 003 will be closing as a classroom. 
  • Eads 007's Media Lab will be closing. AV checkout equipment services will continue. 
  • Seigle Hall L014's PHD Reserved lab will also be closing. Contact IT about alternate solutions. 
Print Release Station Relocation:
  • The print release station located in Eads Hall 015 will be relocated to a new nearby location, which is still to be determined. The Seigle Hall L012 Print release station will remain in-place without change. 
These changes stem largely from the strategic planning efforts led by the Dean of Arts & Sciences to optimize physical space usage and modernize offerings based on current usage patterns and anticipated future needs. 
For those impacted by the closure of Seigle Hall L014's lab, individualized services will be provided through their sponsoring departments to ensure a smooth transition.
For further updates, inquiries, or assistance regarding these changes, please reach out to your A&S IT contact.