Primary Website Contacts in A&S

What is a Primary Contact?

In addition to successfully completing the A&S website training course in Canvas, there are other responsibilities and expectations that go along with being a primary web contact for a department, center, or group.

  1. As the primary contact, you are responsible for the content quality and management of your website.  This includes:
    1. Make regular updates and check the website for out-of-date content
    2. Add articles, events, and profiles for new employees in a timely manner.
    3. Prompt faculty and staff for website updates
    4. Ensure the content you are adding meets accessibility standards
    5. Make seasonal changes to the site as recommended in emails from the communications department
    6. Have an account in SiteImprove and monitor your site on a regular basis for broken links, misspellings, and other content quality issues
  2. You are required to stay up to date on training opportunities, changes to website features, and reading email messages from both the web and communications teams. 
  3. You are responsible for determining who should have an account in your site. Requests to add new users to the required web training course should come from the primary contact and be sent to .
  4. Ensure other people who are editing in your site are doing good work, following best practices, and staying up to date on training.
  5. When a user leaves the department or should no longer have access to the website, you are responsible for notifying the web team so we can disable their account. Reminders for this will be sent out periodically.

Want to see Photos?

You can find a list of website contacts on the InsideArtsci website with profile photos. Just go to the Our People page and filter for "Department Web Contacts" or follow the link below.

Inside Arts & Sciences People Page

Primary Contacts

American Culture Studies
Primary Contact: Alison Eigel Zade

Arts & Sciences 
Primary Contact: Arts & Sciences Communications

Arts & Sciences IT
Primary Contact: Amy Baker

Arts & Sciences Graduation
Primary Contact: Arts & Sciences Communications

Arts & Sciences Strategic Plan
Primary Contact: Jeremy Goldmeier

Artsci Advising (Private)
Primary Contact: Jennifer Kohl

ArtSci Portal (Private) 
Primary Contact: Angela Potter (graduate content) and Erica Ellard (undergraduate content)

Center for Literary Arts
Primary Contact: Jeremy Goldmeier

Center for Quantum Leaps
Primary Contact: Jeremy Goldmeier

Center for the Humanities
Primary contact: Kathleen Fields

College Writing
Primary contact: Bridget Biundo

Comparative Literature
Primary contact: Jacquelyn M​acMillan

Department of African and African-American Studies
Primary contact: Gabrielle Weeden

Department of Anthropology
Primary contact: Mary Anderson

Department of Art History & Archaeology
Primary Contact: Betha Whitlow

Department of Biology
Primary contact: Erin Gerrity

Department of Chemistry
Primary contact: Jasmyn Manuel

Department of Classics
Primary contact: Anthony Buzzacco

Department of Earth, Environmental, & Planetary Sciences
Primary Contact: Katie Vishion

Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Primary Contact: Krystel Mowery

Department of Economics
Primary Contact: Jessica Cain

Department of Education
Primary Contact:  Mel Nicolas

Department of English
Primary Contact: Molly Newport

Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures
Primary Contact: Benjamin Locke

Department of History
Primary Contact: Brian Harting 

Department of Jewish, Islamic, and Middle Eastern Studies
Primary Contact: Julia Clay

Department of Mathematics 
Primary Contact: Dana Drysdale

Department of Music
Primary Contact: Jen Gartley

Department of Philosophy
Primary Contact: Jessica Gibson

Department of Physics
Primary Contact: Nick Oakes

Department of Political Science
Primary Contact: Nick Freed

Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
Primary Contact: Jessica Patschull

Department of Sociology
Primary Contact: Opal Anderson/ Kaitlyn Motl

Department of Statistics and Data Science
Primary Contact: Dana Drysdale

Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Primary Contact: Crystal Odelle

Environmental Studies
Primary Contact: Barb Winston

Film & Media Studies
Primary Contact: Pat Henry

Global Studies
Primary Contact: Chelsea Viteri 

Hold That Thought
Primary Contact: Arts & Sciences Communications

Humanities Digital Workshop
Primary Contact: Doug Knox

Incubator for Transdisciplinary Futures
Primary Contact: Jeremy Goldmeier

Inside Arts & Sciences
Primary Contact: Nate Ralph

Interdisciplinary Project in the Humanities
Primary Contact: Jacquelyn MacMillan

Latin American Studies Program
Primary Contact: Erin Strong

Legal Studies
Primary Contact: Frank Lovett

Primary Contact: Jessica Gibson

McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
Primary Contact: Alison Verbeck

New Arts & Sciences Building
Primary Contact: Arts & Sciences Communications

Office of Graduate Studies
Primary Contact: Angela Potter

Overseas Programs
Primary Contact: Kim Mantia-Ochoa

Performing Arts Department
Primary contact: Samantha Ferguson

Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology Program 
Primary Contact: Jessica Gibson

Post-bacc Premed 
Primary Contacts: Simone Becque

Pre-College Programs
Primary Contact: Becki Baker

Primary Contact: Liz Heidger

Program in Public Scholarship
Primary Contact: Jeremy Goldmeier

Program in Public Scholarship
Primary Contact: Jeremy Goldmeier

Psychological and Brain Sciences
Primary Contact: David Archer

Religious Studies
Primary Contact: Tia Crook

Summer Session
Primary Contact: Ashley June Moore

Primary Contact: Jeremy Goldmeier

Undergraduate Research
Primary Contact: Angela Fink

Urban Studies
Primary contact: Brenda Thacker

WashU & Slavery Project 
Primary Contact: Geoff Ward

Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government, and Public Policy
Primary contact: Alana Bame

Wulfing Coin Collection 
PrimaryContact: Will Bubelis