Preparing for the Transition: Migrating A&S Websites from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10

Migrating A&S Websites from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10

what to expect during the migration and steps you can take to prepare

The migration process

  1. Scheduling:
    • Marcia Billings will coordinate with you to schedule a specific date for your website's migration and launch.
    • Together we will plan a content freeze one or two business days before the scheduled launch.
  2. Content Freeze:
    • During the content freeze, refrain from making any updates to your website, including webforms. 
    • Webforms will be closed during the freeze to avoid losing any form submissions.
    • The migration process will be conducted by the web team, who will then test the site for errors.
  3. Launch Day:
    • Your current site will be replaced with the new Drupal 10 version on the scheduled launch day.
    • You will be notified when your site is ready for you to log in and review.

What you can do to prepare

Review and manage webforms:

  1. Save any necessary form submissions for your records. 
    • We recommend saving the downloaded results in box. 
    • Only the most recent form results will be migrated with your website, so these steps will ensure you have a backup in case you need that data in future. 
  2. Clear submissions for the forms you plan to keep. This will help reduce migration time and ensure a quicker process.
  3. Delete any forms that are no longer in use.

    Click on Find Content
    • Click the Webforms tab on the upper-right
    • To download the results to Excel, click Download.
    • To clear the results (delete them from the website), click Clear


Review and delete unpublished or unneeded content

  • Old announcements or articles, especially those with minimal content.
  • Outdated COVID-19 information.
  • Unpublished faculty or staff profiles for individuals who have left.

Complete the Drupal 10 training course in Canvas:

  • The course is designed to help familiarize users with new platform features, workflows, and best practices. Completion is highly encouraged for a smooth migration.
  • Existing primary website contacts have been added to the Drupal 10 training course, so just log into Canvas to find it on your dashboard.

Helpful Resources