What kind of computers are available?
Standard Configuration
A&S IT will establish standard configurations on an annual basis. Any upgrades or customizations to the hardware configuration beyond the scope of the standard configuration will be charged to the requesting department.
Two standard configurations are established each year and are referenced in the budgeting process as Tier 1 and Tier 2. Some examples of the difference between Tier 1 and Tier 2: Tier 1 computers may include new peripherals like monitors, docks, and keyboards/mice. A&S IT will attempt to reuse existing peripherals on Tier 2 deployments. Tier 1 computers may have additional memory, processing cores, or storage for increased capability.
Tier 1 is generally configured for faculty research and teaching activities, technically demanding staff positioned, or instructional computing areas.
Tier 2 is generally configured for administrative and general computing needs. Departments can opt to upgrade a Tier 2 machine to a Tier 1 standard or a custom order by adding departmental funds.
In most cases, Emeriti are not covered by this process.
A choice of Windows or Apple will be available for both tiers.
Exceptions to the Tier 1 and Tier 2 assignments are made on a case-by-case basis and consider the computing needs of the user, use type, and available budget.
Computer Swap Pool
A&S IT maintains a pool of refurbished computers, monitors, keyboards, and mice. These refurbished computers, or swaps, are used to upgrade student workers’ computers, outdated research computers, general department use computers, etc. Departments can request swaps through the annual budget process. These computers are often 5-9 years old, but still remain capable.
New Faculty & Staff Hires
New tenured or tenure track faculty should purchase their initial technology needs, including their first primary WU-owned computer, from their startup funds to be on track for future eligibility.
For others (e.g. new adjunct, lecturer, staff person, or post doc), who fill a pre-existing position, A&S assumes the computer used by the former occupant of that position will be used. The computer will be returned to A&S IT to be wiped of previous data and the computer will be reloaded for the new person. To avoid delays, notify A&S IT at least 2 weeks prior to start date. For fully new positions, or if the department desires their new hire to have a new computer before scheduled replacement, the department must provide the entire purchase cost of the new equipment or request a refurbished 'swap' computer.