Computer Labs

Computer Labs

Policies, & Printing

Printing and availability in A&S Computer Labs

General Information on printing and hours

  • The majority of public access printing locations across the Danforth Campus and the Residential halls participate in the same print management program using PaperCut.
  • Anyone with a WUSTL Key can submit and release a print job from any computer and pick up at any participating PaperCut print release station.
  • Prices are standardized at all participating PaperCut print locations. A&S IT manages the PaperCut release stations in Seigle L012 and Eads 015.
  • All Danforth Campus degree-seeking students receive a $5 quota/year; this is applied prior to Fall semester start. A&S provides no additional funds, though specific programs may.
  • Student Printing accounts are deleted the day after the Office of Student Records changes your status to indicate you have graduated.
  • Seigle L012's general computer lab and its printer is available behind a Student Card swipe. It'll work when the building hours are open, after hours it will lock. Please ensure you have your materials with you.
  • Eads 007's creative computer lab has more fluctuating hours depending on when we have student workers to cover. Call ahead if concerned, but the printer is openly accessible from the main hallway.

For information on how to use PaperCut WebPrint, standardized prices, location of non-A&S IT managed print release stations:

This link will take you to Student Technology Services pages for all things shown below related to Student Printing:


Arts & Sciences Computer Lab Use Policy

ID Cards

Please carry your WUID card with you while using the lab. You may be asked to present your WUID card at any time; if you do not have it with you, you may be asked to leave our spaces.

Non-Academic Use

Academic work by current Arts & Sciences students takes precedence over all other uses of the lab, including but not limited to non-academic games, chatting, email, or web surfing. A user engaged in non-academic activity may be asked to give up his/her computer to allow another user to carry out legitimate academic work.

Respect for Others Using the Facilities

Use of the computer facilities should not hamper or interfere with the ability of other students to do academic work. Activities to be avoided include but are not limited to excessive computer volume, loud conversation or laughter, use of offensive language, viewing of offensive or explicit imagery, cell phone or video conference calls, and other disruptive behavior.

Viewing of pornography or other sexually explicit materials in the lab is not appropriate. Since it is nearly impossible to avoid seeing images displayed on other users’ computer screens, the printing, displaying or playing of sexually explicit or potentially offensive materials in this space could create a hostile working or learning environment in violation of University policies. If anyone in the lab sees you engaging in such activity, you may be asked to stop the activity immediately and/or leave the computer lab.

If you have legitimate academic need for viewing such materials (as verified by your instructor), please ask a staff member about arranging a more private location where other lab patrons will not be disturbed by your activity.

Tampering with Hardware or Software is Prohibited

Lab patrons are prohibited from moving, modifying, or tampering with lab hardware or system software. This includes installing or removing peripherals (power cords, monitors, mice, keyboards, hardware devices) without expressed consent from the Lab Manager.

Piracy of Copyrighted Material is Prohibited

Arts & Sciences IT equipment may not be used to copy any copyrighted material beyond academic fair use. Violators may have their lab privileges revoked and be subject to school, civil, and/or criminal penalties.


Official University Policies

All activities using Arts & Sciences IT resources must conform to all Washington University Computing Policies (including but not limited to the Washington University Computer Use Policy), the Washington University Policy on Sexual Harassment, and all other appropriate school policies, laws, and regulations.


Minor infractions of these policies, when accidental, are generally resolved informally. Repeated infractions and serious misconduct are subject to referral to the Judicial Administrator for disciplinary action, campus police, or other appropriate authorities.